Note from Coach Mario

First Quarter 2012- Issue 7

Note from Coach Mario- At the End of the Day- “Clarity of the Business Message”


I am amazed at the number of times a leader will provide a 35,000 foot view of where the organization is heading with their vision yet wake up at the end of the year with the results being far from expectations.  Casting the vision is an important pillar of effective leadership.  However, if the organization, at all levels, does not receive and understand the direction in terms that are “execution meaningful” from every employee’s perspective, it is entirely possible and very likely that the results will be less than anticipated.  This is why it is important to get everyone “on the same page.”  A leader can do this by delivering with clarity the business message.  The organization’s direction is important, but the communications from the top cannot stop there.  The leader must communicate what the strategic priorities and key initiatives are and how they synchronize with the vision and mission of the organization.  Critical to the communication and clarity of the business message are the expected outcomes or targets of those strategic priorities and key initiatives.

To position the organization to achieve the best results possible, clarity of what is required and why should be shared with everyone in the organization.  With today’s technology and the many social mediums available, this pervasive, mindful communication can occur efficiently with a personalization that can be heartfelt by those hearing the message.  Of course, whenever possible, delivering the business message in person not only adds the necessary clarity but allows the leader to connect with the employees in ways that technology is not able to accomplish.  The human touch delivered in person is felt long after the leader has left the front lines.  Sharing appropriate context in the business message also adds clarity.  A leader’s perspective with a brief summary of the organization’s evolution to the present and a discussion of external factors, challenges and opportunities facing the organization will “bring home” the message adding richness to the understanding of what is being requested of the employees.

A leader who ensures clarity of the business message at the beginning of the year with every employee and has frequent execution status communications (how are we doing) with the organization throughout the year stands the best chance of being connected to the employees and other key stakeholders while “landing the plane” by the end of the year from 35,000 feet and very possibly exceeding the expected results.

–Mario Flores


                       Mario Flores.  All rights reserved.  No part of these materials may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

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