Note from Coach Mario

Second Quarter 2015- Issue 20

Note from Coach Mario-  At the End of the Day- “Sustaining A Favorable Leadership Culture–Need, Opportunity and Rationalization”


What is the culture in your organization like?  A transformational leader is very interested in this question because the culture that exists is a direct reflection of the leaders in the organization.  When integrity and respect of and towards all stakeholders is present, people in the organization are empowered to think and behave without looking over their shoulder.  However, when there is a lack of character (defined here as lack of integrity and selfish intentions) bad things happen.  Bad things such as fraudulent behavior, managers tearing down instead of building people up, workers refusing to work together as a team and self-centered approaches to relationships that serve only to undermine.  Leaders need to be mindful of the “three-legged stool” , Need, Opportunity and Rationalization which does not know or care about levels in an organization hierarchy.  When all three are present with these negative behaviors, a powder keg is in the making and it is a matter of time before it blows.  For instance, when there is fraud, the three legged stool is present.  The perpetrator has a Need (i.e. typically a financial need resulting often from a personal situation or condition), is provided the right circumstances by the  culture or work environment to take advantage of (i.e. weak internal controls which are management’s responsibility) and then uses Rationalization which is often inward-looking with an illogical  justification that says I deserve this.

Similarly when the perpetrator of the three-legged stool is the manager or employee who has little regard for the people that work either for or with him/her has a Need (i.e. a need to always be right or always receive the credit-even though others did the actual work), is provided the Opportunity by superiors or peers who look the other way or say well that is just him/her and allows the individual to get away with the toxic behavior and then uses Rationalization that is often self-centered, justified in their mind and shown with attitudes that may include a complete disregard of others’ perspectives or points of view.  This mindset often believes they are the only ones that can do it right, or have a complete lack of social intelligence.


In both instances where the “three-legged stool” is used, the perpetrator’s fraudulent or toxic behavior takes monies that are not rightfully theirs or takes credit where it rightfully belongs to others while stripping away the dignity or self-esteem of others.  The leader exercising the Idealized Influence element of the Transformational Leadership Style must be particularly mindful of the Opportunity leg of the three-legged stool.  Ultimately that is the only leg the transformational leader controls or influences yet it is the most important of the three legs because without it, the other two either do not exist or are not effective.  When that occurs and  much to the liking by the transformational leader, a favorable leadership culture exists where there is no three-legged monster birthing neither fraudulent or toxic behavior.

–Mario Flores


                Mario Flores.  All Rights reserved.  No part of these materials may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

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