First Quarter 2014- Issue 15
At the End of the Day- “Opportunity Insights”
I have referred to Bernard Bass’ four component transformational leadership model from time-to-time. One of the four components of the model is individualized consideration. Transformational leaders are ones that are proactive, stimulate and inspire, align objectives and goals and help followers grow into leaders. They respond to individual follower’s needs by first understanding their individual needs and then positioning those needs to be met through various means including empowerment. With an individual consideration mindset, the leader can better anticipate the best ways to help others develop into “best-in-class” leaders. I recall being asked, “How does one know if an “opportunity” (either inside or outside) that presents itself is right for you?” I responded by providing the following guidance in what I call “Opportunity Insights” for each individual who asks this question.
- You will be clear on the stage of your career that you are in and clear on the goals and priorities for you and your family (personally and professionally).
- You will be ready for it in your mind and in your heart.
- You will have learned as much as you need (without knowing everything or being perfect) in your current position.
- You will be ready to grow and learn something different that will add value to you professionally and personally.
- It will not be “money-driven” (although money may be an important consideration, it is not the main driver).
- It will help you in future desired positions, in other words, it adds to your “business acumen.”
- It will give you credibility in the next or future positions.
- You will feel really good about the opportunity (no lingering doubts or second guessing yourself). This feeling will allow you to be “all in” and give the opportunity your best effort.
If having the best interest of followers is a top priority as the transformational leader, you have a firm basis for helping grow and develop the people that work for or with you through the opportunities provided. One of the best compliments a leader can get from a person is the acknowledgement that they made a difference in that person’s life by truly providing individualized consideration in their professional and even personal development. Be a leader who receives this compliment.
–Mario Flores
(c) 2014 Mario Flores. All Rights Reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced in any form without written consent.